My Story

I was born in Wyndotte, MI. Dad was in the Coast Guard and so we moved to Boston when I was 3. I then spent my entire youth in Mass., Virginia, Washington State and landing as a teenager in Canton, OH. All of that moving, over 12 different cities in 16 years has left me a wanderer. I am not sure what roots actually feel like, even to this day.

I grew up literally obsessed with music. I remember listening with passion to the Beatles and Stones and every band I could hear during the 60's and 70's. I was 9 when I bought my first Beatle record, a 45 of Love Love me Do. I bought my first album soon after, Paul Revere and the Raiders Just Like Us.

In 1964, my first hero, my grandfather Ray Sexton, an incredibly gifted songwriter and guitar player, died. I was 10 and the hole he left is still a painful memory. My mother, inherited his Martin D18 and by the time I was 15 years old I had pulled it from the wonderful confines of the old case and began teaching myself how to play. My first song I learned was Proud Mary by CCR. I finally took lessons from 2 wonderful teachers I am proud to say remain friends with me through this day. I owe a great deal to Michael Vahila and Chris Wintrip. They gave me the basis and the confidence to grow and learn in my musical endeavor. 

In 1978 I purchased a 1975 Les Paul I still own till this day. I met a musical friend soon, Joe Ferrara - a friend still - and we formed Renegade with Gene, Tom and Oz. We were not a great band but we were friends and made music together. When Renegade ended I spent a cup of coffee with Dartanion. The fact I can remember no names reminds me it was not one of my more positive musical experiences - a situation that would revisit me again but bands are a family, some of them special and memorable and some dysfunctional - best left to memories as you move on.

I then spent a few years playing the coffee house circuit in and around northeast Ohio. It was a difficult time, I was divorced, my job was closing down, I was in school, I was trying to maintain a close relationship with my children and soon was remarried. I was spent and walked away from music, performing and composing for about 20 years.

The cold heartless winters of Ohio and a change in scenery brought me to North Carolina. I had become interested in bluegrass music and Celtic music and spent a few years in Stillwater. That ran it's course and I soon desired a different direction in Americana Folk. I helped form Sunrise Shadow and spent over a year writing and performing and seeking out the modern day folk artists drawing attention in this genre. As predicted Shadow soon faded and died. 

My interest in composing has a renewed spirit and this page is a vessel to share new and old music. A legacy for my children and grandchildren.